ReFa 4 Carat Lifting
The ReFa 4 CARAT features four multangular rollers for 360-degree coverage from your face to your waist. The angles and spacing between each roller were precisely calculated for double kneading - a technique used by professional estheticians to consecutively knead the skin. Together, the four rollers draw in the skin from all angles for a firm, supple appearance.
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The key word during development was "consecutive."
The ReFa 4 CARAT was designed with one overriding purpose: to provide consecutive kneading, where the skin is gripped by four powerful rollers and never release at any point during the kneading. A series of tests were conducted in order to achieve the most comfortable consecutive kneading sensation possible. As ReFa's product development team carefully studied adjustments to the angles of the four rollers and their distance between each other. With such a meticulous process, it was only a matter of time before the consecutive double kneading action of the ReFa 4 CARAT was not only born, but perfected.
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